Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Words of wisdom on a wintery evening

Fall semester is busy busy, which has been a blessing to distract me from the painful football season before me. OUCH. Nevertheless, it has been a great few months of autumn. My roommates and I went on a roadtrip WITH MY MOTHER. It was amazing, especially since we were able to go to Idaho Falls. Poor Jake (Taci's husband) got a glimpse into life in a sorority as there were four college girls, one mother in law and one wife... really the poor man is a saint.
I am working on mission papers and have hit a slight road bump with the medical approval, and I am going to a second specialist on Friday in Salt Lake. I am both nervous and calm about it. I am so thankful for the many people in my life who have lent me their support and faith. Now, onto the words of wisdom from my Multi cultural education professor, Jim Birrell.
"Don't tell God how big your problems are, tell your problems how big God is" Those are words to live by.

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